An 8 letter interjection, containing a V and double vowel meaning-
lets hit the road jack
­¡Vamooshe! Lets get out of here before the little magician comes!
by Capurnicus April 30, 2008
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the art to hurry up or say somthing when there is nothing to be said at the moment.
say this when there is complete silence
vamoosh, rite now


by tanya February 29, 2004
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An interjection meaning, "lets hit the road; jack"
¡vamooshe! Lets get out of here quickly, the little magician is coming!
by Capurnicus April 30, 2008
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to hurry up and move it ALONG!
ay yo..VAMOOSH! We only have 2 minutes! damn...
by Alexandra April 22, 2005
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