Valyrebonics — linguistic variant of Valyrian spoken by the Black members of the Targaryen family. Black Targaryens had no dragons; because of this, built their own wealth and power base through maritime power.

Their mother tongue was influenced and modified through contact with other cultures through trade. Already a linguistically rich, language, Valyrian acquired additional “flava” through cultural diffusion.

The Valyrebonics idiom “flava” is an example of the acquired richness. Of the language. “Flava” is a metaphorical commemoration of the spice trade facilitated by the Black Targaryens. As spices make foods richer; cultural diffusion makes languages richer.

Beautiful and provocative poetry was written in Valyrebonics and it would become a major cultural influenced for the music, dance, and styles of succeeding centuries. Prophetic books were which foretold the coming of Black King Barrak Hussien; a stylish Black Warrior named Mace; a Brown hero named Morales who had the human proportional strength and agility of a spider; a dusky storyteller who would revolutionize visual storytelling; and a beautiful queen that could only be owned if you could put a ring on her finger — a beautiful image in Valyrebonics, the word for word literal English translation would be “ice her finger”.

These prophecies were all considered very controversial by speakers of “classical” Valyreian.
As Valyrebonics evolved into its on sophisticated and widely spoken language of commerce, it could be more easily spoken by non-Targaryens. And yet, it was difficult for speakers of “Classical Targaryens” to understand because of its use of colorful linguistic imagery that was figurative and not literal; and because of many loan words that entered the language from other cultures.

The classic example sited is the phrase “ice her finger” which in Valyrebonics means: “to offer an expensive jeweled ring;”; and, NOT “a temperature treatment designed to slow the spread of Gray Scale in its early stages” as would be implied by the same phrase in Classical Valyrian.
by Mind Hunter the Profiler September 1, 2022
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