The scam whereby Restaurants/Florists/Chocolatiers cash in on Valentine's Day by trebling the price of their products safe in the knowledge that the male suitor is effectively held to ransom with no other options open to them.
"You may as well wear a feckin mask, this is just a bloody Valentine's Day Massacre" screamed Tom to the restaurant manager whilst his paramour paid a trip to the toilet.
by chesterpest January 17, 2010
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a) an infamous massacre committed by Al Capone on St Valentine's Day 1929
b) when one breaks up with their significant other on St Valentine's Day
Do not commit a St Valentine's Day Massacre, definition b) , on your significant other.
by Sexydimma March 4, 2015
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Have some girls get on their knees in a line. Proceed to take your pants off and bunny hop down the line, slapping the girls across the cheek with your cock.
Girls get down, I am about to perform the St. Valentine's Day Massacre
by studmuffin March 8, 2005
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a) an infamous massacre committed by Al Capone on St Valentine's Day 1929

b) when one breaks up with their significant other on St Valentine's Day
Do not commit a St Valentine's Day Massacre, definition b) , on your significant other.
by Sexydimma December 8, 2014
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Valentines Day Massacre
A sex move where a man goes on semen retention for a month before Valentine’s Day, then on Valentine’s Day, while she’s sucking his dick, he quickly ejaculates on his partner’s face while loudly making machine gun noises.
“Did you hear that Beckham committed The Valentine's Day Massacre?” “bro what the fuck is a valentines day massacre?”
by Johnheartlebob October 17, 2023
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(Referencing Al Capone's Valentine's Day Massacre of 1929)

When you break up with your girlfriend on St Valentine's Day.
If you are not a misogynistic son of a bastard do not commit a St Valentine's Day Massacre on your girlfriend.
by Sexydimma September 24, 2014
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