any substance that will bring you back to life even if you are an inch from death. ( the term death in this context is liberally used in reference to a hangover or other state of sickness or depravity). could be any thing from Loratabs and cocaine to Robitussin and liquor.
John: hey Bill your looking rough, and we have a long day, are you OK?

Bill: no man, rough night, i feel like dying

John: don't worry take a couple of these TABS and youll be good to go, its that unicorn blood i swear.

Bill: (gulp) man i feel great... where the broads at i need some shots... that unicorn blood has me on another level
by pornstar850 February 4, 2010
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Orange juice mixed with tobasco and one hot shot. Rumored to cause red hair.
I just drank a cup of unicorn blood and it hurt, really bad.
by September 19, 2010
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Pink juice created by mixing gin with pink lemonade and fruit punch.
You gotta try this unicorn blood homes, word is bond, this shit is whackin.
by Dr. Chovorkiean? October 29, 2009
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the most magical substance of all!
extremely rare..
drink it and your part magical.. and you can do anyhting..magiacll..
"duddee you just scored somee unicorn blood."
"DUDE!! that shit is so rare"
"iknoww! how sick is this?"
by chirssy June 4, 2007
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A can of Natty light. Consuming the magical beverage will grant eternal life, a youthful appearance, and the labido and sexual prowess of an animal in heat. However, each time you drink one, your soul dies a little bit at a time.
Just picked up a case of Unicorn Blood for tonight.

Toss me a can of Unicorn Blood.

What do you mean Natty sucks?! This shit is basically Unicorn Blood.
by Finch345 December 29, 2011
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Before we go into the club, lets pound some Unicorn Blood in the parking lot.
by MrLac August 5, 2011
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Alcoholic beverage made with lemonade, vodka, blue curacao, and maraschino cherries. When done right, resembles a rainbow.
I had unicorn blood at that Harry Potter party last night. It was tasty!
by SamiQoo January 10, 2014
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