A variant spelling of Ubayda, or Ubaidah, which means the servant of God of a low rank; It could also be a feminine or masculine name. An Ubaydah is mostly shy but creative. An Ubaydah is a talkative, and tends to care a lot about what people think. An Ubaydah thinks outside the box, and generally doesn't admit to being smart. Although, an Ubayda does get mad, but only in silence.
Wow, that's Ubaydah!

Which means that's 'creative'!
by Old nanny November 5, 2018
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An Obnoxious, unrelenting, nagging person. This person asks for money with promises to pay it back, but never does. But at the same time has the heart of gold.
My oldest son is an Ubaydah.
by Old grandma June 21, 2014
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