The University of Southern California is a world-class leading research university located in downtown Los Angeles. It has the nation's best film school and its communication, engineering, and business school are all in the top 10.

Both USC and UCLA are very good schools, anyone who needs to trash talk the other to make theirs sound better is just foolish.
There are some challenging and some not so challenging professors at USC. But the same goes for UCLA. I've sat in on classes at both institutions.
by Peter A September 15, 2006
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Shops in the UK selling clothes mainly to scallies although they do have some other stuff which is almost respectable.
Shit mate, where did you get that lacoste shirt?
I got it down USC in the Arndale centre.
by The G June 14, 2004
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USC (abbr.)

1. University of Stupid Cunts
2. University of Smelly Cocks
3. University of Sin City
4. University of Second Choice
I got rejected from a community college, but got into USC.
by Jackoff November 25, 2005
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The University of South Cameron Street, another name for Harrisburg Area Community College (13th grade, HACC). People call it this trying to sound like it's a much more prestigious school in California.
Jimmy: "Man, HACC is kicking my ass this semester."
Bobby: "Yeah man, I feel really bad for you. I'm having a really good time over at USCS. The girls there are AWESOME and I hang out on the beach all day. I'll probably make a couple million once I get out, you know, cuz I'm gonna get into the film industry."
Jimmy: "California must be a good time. Hey, wait a minute...aren't you in my basic arithmetic class?"
Bobby: "Yeah, I go to HACC. By the beach I mean the concrete beach on the Susquehanna River. And by the film industry I mean animal porn. Man, I'm sore from that horse last night."
Jimmy: "Seriously dude, you need to lay off the paint thinner."
by Nick D August 26, 2004
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see ripoff

When it comes to colleges, being private usually means being better. This is not the case when it comes to USC, which has lower academic rankings in comparison to both UCLA and Cal. With USC, being private simply means that it costs more.

Some people call USC the "university of spoiled children." This is wrong. USC students are ripped off. In comparison, UCLA students pay a fraction of the price USC charges and they get to go to a school with better academic rankings with better faculty in a much better neighborhood. Who's spoiled again? UCLA students are.

I feel sorry for Trojans. I really do. I hope you can find a way to justify USC stealing all that money from you.
Unless you want to play football, go to UCLA. Don't fall victim to the ripoff machine at USC. It will just make you bitter and delusional.
by ARealSpoiledChild March 12, 2005
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The envy of those who do not belong.
See most other definitions for all examples needed of USC.
by No Rebuttal September 12, 2006
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