a hipster watering hole aka a too-indie-for-you blog.

chances are you already have one or else you wouldn't be searching for it here.

mostly filled with filipino bloggers who mostly blog about pictures of triangles in space.
they like to use internet memes, most commonly 4chan memes, and claim it as their own.
1. blogger: 'FFFFFUUUUU' should be tumblr's catchphrase because we made it up and made it famous lolol

2. ▲
by wolfshirtsareforfaggots November 18, 2009
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That's what everyone will say about it.
You don't speak of tumblr at school,
with your friends or family.

Tumblr.com is a place for you to get away
from reality.

You'll regret asking anyone you know to join it.
If your homophobic, you won't last long on tumblr
considering most people on tumblr are either gay,
bi, lesbian or support them.

You can say anything you want on tumblr and not get
judged for it because most people will feel the same way.

Facebook is very judgy.
Tumblr. Is completely different.

There are super cool blogs, and you should check them out.

If you like something, press 'Reblog' (it'll be on your blog)
or the heart. (its like the facebook like)

Reblogging is a way to put the picture/audio/quote on YOUR blog but give the original person who post it up credit.

Also, there are really cool themes for customizing.
You can also add music to your blog.

^^ that will give you all the extra features.
you can figure the rest out.

but when you sign up,

the url will be like this:

___(whatever you want)____.tumblr.com

you can make your url really cheesy and cute like
(btw, these arent real blogs) :


or straight up like your name:


be creative, and have fun!
(these are real)

fuckperiods.tumblr.com (perfect for pmsing girls!)

tumblr4men.tumblr.com (funny pictures of messing up cheesy pictures!)

diaryoflittlesecrets.tumblr.com (really cute quotes)
by unicornshavemustaches May 25, 2011
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1. To look blog from blog on Tumblr because of sheer boredom.
2. Going on Tumblr just to look at funny picture or posts.
Tony - What are you doing?
Ebs - On Tumblr
Tony - Oh you mean you're Tumblring?
Ebs - Yup!
by Rekarnated May 19, 2010
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Tumblr is a blog, where the most mainstream of people pretend to be indie /alternative. They are somehow under the impression that by posting pictures of scantily clad models in cut off shorts and ray-bans smoking pot, and by blogging about the joy of summer makes them indie. It doesn't. It makes them as mainstream of the the rest of us.

They often will post the link to their tumblr , in the box below their photo on facebook, or link it anonymously over formspring, so more people can blog their amazing photos . It's a vicious cycle.
-Over facebook-

Claud: Omg bebe, I <3 ur tumblr!!!!!1 it's sahhh indie
Emma: omgg thxx, whats ur called ??/
Claud: mines theessenceofsummer.

Emma: omg sahh orgiinal beb
Claud: *re-blogs photos*
by saindiebeb December 30, 2011
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A website where you waste all of your time but end up feeling good about it.
I was on tumblr all day. Another day well spent.
by ocd22 July 5, 2012
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person 1: whatchu doing?
person 2: on tumblr
person 1: is that a drug?
person 2: yeah.
by trololoperson September 10, 2011
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