A more specific version of a clusterfuck.

When you have only been prime minster of a country for 3 weeks and manager to trash the economy - it's a Trussterfuck.

When you have several car-crash radio interviews trying to defend that trashing of the economy - but make things worse, that's a Trussterfuck.

When you can't even ring a freaking bell properly - yep, that's also Trussterfuck.
Conceived from a prime minister of the Untied Kingdom in 2022 who history books will have very little to go on other than her series of Trussterfucks.
Did you see what happened to economy when Liz Truss announced her governments economy policies - what a Trussterfuck!

Did you hear Liz Truss on the local radio stations trying to defend her economy policies - what an absolute Trussterfuck!

She seems like the sort of person the term Trussterfuck was conceived for.

Have you every heard of Liz Truss?
No, who the fuck is she?
Seriously, what a Trussterfuck! She was PM of the UK in 2022.
Nope, I've got nothing.
Trust me, a complete Trussterfuck.
by Ultra Vires September 30, 2022
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An ongoing catastrophe caused by the disastrous decisions of an endlessly stupid and over promoted imbecile
What happens when. Liz Truss is made priminister a Trussterfuck.
by Chefwillsy October 18, 2022
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an ongoing catastrophe caused by the disastrous decisions of an endlessly stupid and over promoted imbecile
by Chefwillsy October 18, 2022
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When you compound "trussting" multiple things.

Describing a series of events after UK's shortest PM Liz Truss, who trussed up the economy with her trussonomics.
Liz trussted the Queen, the pound, the British economy and the Conservative Party. It is a total trussterfuck.
by L4993RZ October 21, 2022
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An almighty calamity or disaster caused by extreme incompetence and hubris in the handling of a situation. Somewhat akin to a clusterfuck, but much, much worse.
Liz Truss had been Prime Minister for a matter of days and the entire British economy was a total Trussterfuck.
by IStanCountBinface September 29, 2022
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Like a Clusterfuck but one which had been created after a series of huge missteps and mistakes, with delusions of grandeur, then u-turns and the blaming of others and an all-round display of incompetence, lack of leadership or vision which leaves immeasurable damage to the fabric and foundations of everything it came into contact with.

Any mess reminiscent of that created of British Prime Minister Liz Truss in September and October of 2022.
"Wow. This is a real Trussterfuck. Delusional bad decision after delusional bad decision, everything has turned to shit, and will take ages to sort out.
by October 17, 2022
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To completely and rapidly fuck up a situation, even though you know nothing about it.
The UK economy is a total Trussterfuck.
by Scrampledeggs October 20, 2022
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