(1) tasty treat made for sophisticated fatties
(2) also found in human form, code name for annoying people who irk you
signs of a human truffle:
(1) annoying at the pool
(2) desires to wear spiderman shoes with velcro in the pool
(3) should be a wedding planner since always concerned with location, location, location
(4) owns a Persian cat who is a member of the terrorist group known as the Taliban
Cristophe: Where are my velcro shoes? Location, location, location! That's what I always say to my Persian cat.
Martin: Truffles, you have a cameltoe.
Cristophe: But, I'm a MAN!
by bonnet August 24, 2006
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Noun: The mushroom shaped indentation left on a woman's forehead after being slapped by the head of a penis.

Truffling - Verb: The act of slapping your penis on a woman's forehead leaving a mushroom shaped mark.
I could tell by the mark on her head that she had just been truffled.
by The Real Maestro September 15, 2009
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a bitch so fine you would do some nasty shit wit
Damn look at that truffles i wish i could C shocker her
by anthony graves February 8, 2008
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An amazing name a for a unique, crazy, fun, intelligent animal name.
by Trufflelufflekiss February 22, 2019
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To eat a lot of food. Based on "truffle pig," which is an animal used to seek out truffle mushrooms. If you eat a lot, you are a truffle pig. Can also be used in verb form with the word pig included, and can be shortened to just "tp."
I just truffled that pizza.

I'm going to go out and truffle pig at the restaurant tonight.
by gorgonzola_man2 February 11, 2008
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