A family of awesome people who care for each other and their friends fiercely. They'd give you the shirt off their back. They are high-spirited and love to have fun! Don't mess with them though 'cause they run in packs.
Those Trana's, they're so crazy friendly. One of them offered me a shirt...
by SpiritCat August 29, 2008
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A girl who wants to please everybody. She’s smart and gorgeous and she will do anything for anyone because she cares for all people💓
Hey you see the new girl her name is Tranae
by Uhdhrhfhh January 14, 2019
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a girl who always talks and is crazy and gets in trouble but is goo at the same time and also ratched
yo i love tranae soo much like i love her personality
by jasmianbaddie_ March 29, 2018
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A beautiful girl who wants to please everyone and is super popular and who isn’t always up to date on the latest trends and she is my best friend
Your lucky to have a Tranae in your life
by Uhdhrhfhh January 14, 2019
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They are the sexiest duo to ever live, when people walk past them they faint and are left in awe. They are the smartest people to ever live and are mentioned in many holy texts. To see them is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and people are saved from terminal illnesses by selling water blessed by them.
"Omg I think I just went blind, the aura that radiates off of Imaan + Trana is angelic."
by gozokpadarnalat August 5, 2022
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