denoting or relating to a person whose sense of personal identity and gender does not correspond with their birth sex.
Hey did you know P!$S K!NK#5189 is trans

Cool I guess
by P!$S K!NK May 19, 2021
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someone who likes to dress up in their mums/sisters/grannys "gear"
hey mate, im not kidding, stop tranning, your fucking mental.
by natty April 29, 2004
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short for transexual, transgender, transvestite; a general term for those who identify with more than one gender or a gender opposite to their biologically assigned gender; often used as a derogatory term for transgender people; often used between homosexual men as a term of endearment
Jeff is a tran; he moonlights as a performer with the stage name of Jacqueline Monet.
by trantastic88 March 31, 2010
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The definitve Neil Young Album fo the same name released in 1982.
Yo dude you check out Trans yet? Yo dude he's the Stallion
by Henry sanchez February 19, 2005
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tran - adj.

1. Arousing little interest, excitement, or controversy: a tran new book; a tran topic.
2. Marked by no activity or energy: a tran week in the stock market.
3. Sexually unexciting: eew... she's so tran!
4. Old news; dated: that tran jacket was popular 8 years ago.
5. Currently very unpopular or unsuccessful: William Hung is one of the trannest young talents around.
6. Very poor or unimpressive. i'm so tran at math.
7. Performing with a lack of skill or grace: a tran dancer.
8. Timid and dull
9. Defying logic

tranness - n.
1. a tran new book; a tran topic.
2. a tran week in the stock market.
3. eew... she's so tran!
4. that tran jacket was popular 8 years ago.
5. William Hung is one of the trannest young talents around.
6. i'm so tran at math.
7. a tran dancer.
by w3y April 1, 2004
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A person that identifies as the opposite gender that identifies as the opposite
I’m a man that identifies as a woman that identifies as a man, I’m trans-trans-gender
by Dude man guy person September 29, 2021
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