An awful move in tennis, where the player attempts to make a winning shot (usually an overhead smash) at the ball and instead gets a racketful of air. Is very humiliating to any tennis player and is almost guaranteed to end their career.
Named after a person of the same name who pulls this shot constantly.
Dude, that one guy just pulled a Tony. I bet he'll never play tennis again.
by SenorKrabs April 18, 2011
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a selfish, alcoholic, drug-addict waste of space and good oxygen loser; a poster child for the use of condoms
That guy is a real Tony!
by lkts July 31, 2008
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A man you hates Amanda. Usually a big man, who swears a lot.
by niggahwhattt June 30, 2009
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The Idiot asshole thinks he knows shit about black ops and politics. He once kissed a slut and bragged about it, he also enjoys his weekends having sex with his hooter shirt. He thinks that his friends (not real friends) like him but he is so stupid that they just try to ignore him.
Not Tony 1: Hey Not Tony 2 hows it going?
Not Tony 2: Good
Tony: Hey guys i went 30 and 10 in free for all on Bops. I put it on my file share you should look at it.
Not Tony 2: Tony shut the fuck up none of us even play Bops any more.
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A fuckboy that tries so hard to get with a girl, dates the girl and cheats on her with multiple girls. Then tries to lie about it and get back with the original girl. A piece of shit that plays with girls feelings!
"Ugh you're acting just like Tony. "

"Stop being such a fuckboy like Tony."
by ha.ha.ha24 October 20, 2015
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A guy you only sleep with when extremely intoxicated.
Have sex with him one more time and he'll be your tony.
by donchawanna? July 18, 2008
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Shred Brooooooooos. Pro surfer dud
Tony loves to surf!
by ieatchocolatesauce May 24, 2023
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