A group of males will conduct a experiment to see if testosterone levels increase by not wanking for the longest period of time that they can, bets can be placed to see can hold out the longest, if however you or a fellow group member does ejaculate or shake his penis more then five times this is counted as ruining the experiment and therefore that person loses and is "out"and finally if someone else happens to do either of these things to you then that is also counted as you being "out". if you are "out" due to one of this reasons you must announce to everyone that you are out by saying "whiskey"
Did you hear about Bob he whiskeyed his way out of the group .

He was not watching what he was doing and shaked it more thne five times.

We really should not whiskey ... otherwise everyone will know.

To whiskey was a bad thing to do last night
by Science experiment August 19, 2012
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1. The oil of conversation, the philosophic wine, the ale that is consumed when good fellows get together, that puts a song in their hearts and laughter on their lips, and the warm glow of contentment in their eyes;

2. Christmas cheer;

3. The stimulating drink that puts the spring in the old gentleman’s step on a frosty, crispy morning;

4. The drink which enables a man to magnify his joy, and his happiness, and to forget, if only for a little while, life’s great tragedies, and heartaches, and sorrows;
I drink whiskey because I am an American.
by koolwinder March 10, 2015
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"when a guy can have sex for 5 hours because his penis is drunk" phrase used on the show Jersey Shore, said by Snooki
we had sex for so long last night, i think he was whiskeying.
by ryann.katherine March 25, 2011
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The life giving substance that has intoxicated many a man. (better than eve and that god damn apple)
One more half gallon of that cheap ass canadian mist and ill be ready for music-fest!
by nully! August 9, 2003
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An alcoholic beverage made from ingredients similar to beer, but intended for grown ups. Suitable for use as an aftershave, by men who consider that perfumed stuff too girly.
John finished shaving with his straight razor, and used whiskey to sterilize his skin. As a result, he got laid four times that day, and won the bull riding contest.
by Artifice October 24, 2011
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(1)A drink that often burns when consumed by itself, but goes good mixed with various sodas (see: pepsi, coke, 7-up) and sometimes even water. Straight shots are smoother if chilled, and some whiskeys such as Seagram's Seven can be consumed straight by even those with the weakest stomachs.

(2)A drink which makes old men's I.Q.s increase exponentially after every shot, eventually leading to a bar full of omniscient men who can't even begin to consider that for once they might just be wrong.

(3)Something good to come out of Canada.
Beer gives me headaches, so this was my only alternative.

I can afford to drink Crown Royal!

Shit...someone run to town and get another case of pepsi.
by Godfather August 7, 2004
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