A child, often in elementary school or middle school, who attempts to look tough by emulating a "gangsta" through the wearing baggy clothes and letting their underpants show as a result of their sagging pants, but really has no idea why they really dress the way they do.

Thigs typically spend their spare time executing petty crimes such as vandalism and tagging, yet they have typically not had a really hard day in their lives.

In most cases, they attend schools that offer them a good education, have two parents at home who love them and care for them and who are still married to one another. Thigs usually have to dismiss themselves from the company of their wanna-be gangs because they have be home in time for dinner and to get hugs and kisses goodnight.

Thigs get their name because they have not yet graduated to the term Thug yet.
That Thig is up to no good, better call his Mom so she can send him to bed without dinner.
by jjlovespoker January 13, 2009
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When someone is a mixture of being thick and big. Can also refer to a persons ass.
by Snehal Patel August 28, 2007
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To lick your thumb and stick it in a girls ass while doing her doggy style.
No matter how many girls I thig, they all love it and ask for more!
by the wrEcKless 1 January 13, 2010
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To be a thig is to be a true nigga. Derived from the term "thignigglet." These terms are not to be used lightly but when they are, whoa dayum watch out. Thigs be up in here.
Yo dogg, that homie be a straight up Thig, He'll get all ill on yo asses if you look at em' wrong. Thignigglets took over the hood.
by A true thig September 2, 2014
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Synonymous with ‘sick’
- insane
- ridiculous
- cool as hell
Often used in exclamatory situations; the exclaimer, with this pronunciation, would appear to have a heavy lisp and would emphasize the latter half of the word: replacing the ‘ck’ with a ‘ga’ sound.

The speaker might be trying to say ‘thick’, as well. It’s hard to tell in these situations, but that is why, after all, people with speech impediments are often looked down upon in today’s society.
Geesz, those acrobatic stunths were abtholutely thig!

My goodnesth, its so thig!
by Juice McAllister March 2, 2007
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When you slide down a bowling ally and take a shit during the action of sliding or at the end. Clothing is optional.
He went thunder thiging last night and his girlfriend really liked watching it.
by Connor Scott January 12, 2014
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A word for “thighs” without taking so
much time saying thighs.
I love your thigs.
by African Boi In a Crate November 21, 2018
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