Acronym: Most Oppressed People Ever Syndrome, commonly applied in football circles to refer to a group of people who revel in, and indeed define themselves by, the fact that they are the Most Oppressed People Ever, although in reality nobody gives a toss about them.
Celtic supporter: "Everyone hates us because we are Irish, but we don't care, in fact we want you to hate us because it only makes us stronger."
Everyone Else: "Get over yourselves you bunch of self pitying Mopes."
by neilta August 22, 2009
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Fun to ride, but dont wanna be seen riding it
Dang that chick is a total moped!

"Dude, do u like that chick or what?" " No man, shes just a moped."
by Hoolia16 October 31, 2011
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The effect where something pretends to be calm, cute, cheerful, etc. then slowly/quickly contrasts into dark themes like violence, gore, blood, etc.


"That's Mope Mope effect my dude"
by MoustacheAintOkay January 2, 2021
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The president of the Mormon church. As in the Mormom Pope.
Did you hear they named the new Mope? It's going to be Monson.
by Neonghost February 17, 2009
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M.O.P.E. is the term used to describe

a) Catholics in West of Scotland
b) Catholics in Ireland
c) Celtic supporters who just THINK they are Irish (Plastics)

It stands for The Most Oppressed People Ever

It refers to their irrational belief that they are picked upon by the big, bad Protestants and EVERYBODY else for that matter
"See these proddys... they pyoor think they ur better than us!" MOPE

"We huv been oppressed since the famine so we huv" MOPE

The most amusing aspect to this belief is that they do not just have an inferiority complex.... they ARE inferior. MOPE
by One of the real People September 24, 2009
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feeling lazy or burnt after the act of smoking marijuana
"bobby smoked some weed and now he's mope as hell."

"hey sara, whats the weather like in mope city?"
"cloudy with a chance of rain"

"wanna go out?"
"no im burnt and mope as fuck"

"this is why i hate when you smoke, youre all mopey"
by potheadgirl June 16, 2010
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mope-a really funny song by the Bloodhound Gang off of the Hooray for Boobies album
Excerpt from the Bloodhound Gang song "Mope"

PacMan: Yo yo yo yo! What it is motherfuckers!
Dude 1: Aww shit... here comes PacMan...
Dude 2: Hey PacMan. What's up?
PacMan: Me, you bitches! I'm high on crack! Wanna freebase?
Dude 1: No PacMan! Drugs are bad...
Dude 2: Nope. Can't help you man...
PacMan: Pussies...*freebases crack* Whooooaaaaaa!!!! HOLY SHIT!!
by scary bear September 26, 2006
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