French / German name meaning Masculine. You are cheerful and friendly, but are apt to have an emotional life. You like to have several lines of effort going at once. You are a good talker and promoter and seldom worry over anything. At times, you can be impatient, and impulsive. You have the ability to bring an idea to completion. You can express yourself joyously and constructively. You might be psychic, but not know it.You are bold, independent, inquisitive and interested in research. You know what you want and why you want it.
Creative and outgoing, you are always looking for an opportunity to show your abilities, especially before audience. You are very flexible and likes to feel appreciated. You are looking for chances to mix with others socially and to communicate his ideas. You like to talk and can easily relate to different cultures and concepts. The biggest challenge for you is uncertainty. Easily getting bored, you can move from one job to another, switch projects and lovers. The high creative force can lead you either to happiness or unhappiness. If you understand your goals, if you can make major decisions in life and follow it directly and straight up without worry and uncertainty, you are able to achieve great heights.
, Strong.
Charles is a hard worker and is a true craftsman.
by cjhoss69 December 21, 2016
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A hot, sexy, guy who can charm any girl. He has smooth, blonde hair, and gorgeous blue eyes. He may be short, but he is strong and has a great physique. Any girl who dates him is lucky, but never make the first move. Charles likes to consider his options, and usually has his eye on one girl. He is smart, witty, and talkative. Any word that comes out of his mouth is great. He is a savage, and does any dare that comes his way.
Oh SHIT that guy is such a Charles!
by Ansley743 October 15, 2017
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charles is nerdy meaning that he sucks the fun out of cheating.He is a very nice friend.He also a very good pubg mobile player.He is very very very nerdy.Defined
by Lildez4life September 23, 2019
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The most caring and considerate man who ever lived. It's said that he was sent down from the heavens as a beacon of light in the midst of this dark world. He's a complete sweety pie and will so all in his power to make your day better. He's one in a million, a dream come true and the most handsome guy you'll ever meet.
GirlA: Is that Charles?
GirlB: Yeah!

GirlA: he's more handsome than I ever could have imagined!
by Mimimarabell November 7, 2017
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A crazy alter ego that a blacked out friend frequently morphs into. Charles often yells "yung money!" and "neck, maurice" when Charlesed out. These are usually the two indications that one has changed into Charles. Charles is also unusually agressive, always looking to fight. Every question is answered with "shut the fuck up."
Charles: "Yung money, bada bada bee, maurices pieces!!"
Me: "Well, it looks like Charles is partying with us tonight"
by badabee December 12, 2010
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The definition of Awesome! aka South African man who is always right and has a large intellect. His pronunciation is superior to all others.
Person 1: I need to per-chase these things
Person 2: Oh, you're such a Charl
by bluebabendedabenda March 15, 2011
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