It means "to be honest," and it is often used in Facebook statuses. Another definition is an "honest", yet all-too-flattering comment about a person that liked your status (offering a tbh) in order to receive the comment.

These posts are usually not very honest and I think people would be much more honest if we still had the honesty box. The honesty box was anonymous, private, and as a result, extremely HONEST! Just call it the TBH Box and it will regain its popularity.
Example 1: Like for a tbh (Facebook status)

Example 2: Tbh the Beatles are a great band. I hadn't heard of them before. (Facebook status)

Example 3: Tbh you are an awesome, caring, honest person and I think you're funny and hawt! We should talk more! (requested Facebook wall post)
by Hedonistichermit February 5, 2012
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Question: my green shoes are nice?
Answer: tbh I really think so.
by shawtyImout July 5, 2011
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tbh means "to be honest" however, it is so overused that its now become common place to see it after anything.
The French come from France tbh.

Miles Jacobson is a complete cunt tbh.

by J December 8, 2004
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1) Acronym for "to be honest"
2) Used by teenage girls on Facebook to farm likes
1)Girl 1: "I think I'm gaining a little weight."
Girl 2: "tbh, you should try eating healthier."

2) Girl 1: "tbh?"
Group of girls: "OMG LIKE LOL!"
by BleachCola August 12, 2013
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tbh Bard` is a complete plonker clearly
by Brad January 30, 2003
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Two Bit Ho

An inexpensive prostitute. In most cases very unattractive.
Look that chick! She's looking like a straight-up tbh.

I'm on a budget this weekend man. I'm going to have to pickup a tbh.
by hammer down July 25, 2011
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