An internet pop-up which features audio content. Often intrusive, and a form of audio nazism. Coined by Pat Schrader on October 9th, 2006.
Pat Schrader, teacher extraordinaire, hates talk-ups.
by Corgy October 9, 2006
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1. the stage right before it is overrated
tj hecka talked up the pokemon cards, it was so overrated.
by jimmycao April 30, 2004
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To make positive remarks about someone's work ethic, career achievements or talent to help them professionally. Past tense is talked you up. complement, praise, support, help, promote, advertise, celebrity, aid
Are you kidding me?! The whole time I was at the party, I went around and made sure to talk you up! If you don't get the promotion now, you never will.
by joecoolthefool July 8, 2016
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When some idiotic moron talks a lot of shit, and seems to think that they are kingshit, when in reality, they are not. To talk yourself up, means to brag about the "connections" you have, but when it comes down to it, the only connection you've got, is the one that connects your computer to the Internet.
Fagwhore: "I'm like the fully sickest yulleh out there, cunt. That bitch ain't got shit on me, coz i got the whole of northside on my side."
Northside person: "That fuckin' dumb slut thinks she's kingshit. Everyone fuckin' hates her, coz she talks her self up a lot."
*Fagwhore struts around like she is the shit*

*Inserts "talk yourself up" because i have to, according to Urban Dictionary.*
by aLittleRayOfSunshine July 4, 2006
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When you're talking about someone and they immediately call or show up where you're at, almost as if they knew you were talking about them.
Jesse: "I hate my fucking parents, they are such bitches..."

*Ring Ring*

Justin: "Dude, they're calling your phone right now!!"

Jesse: "Damn, I talked them up."
by theturtlegurl April 27, 2014
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When one, particularly a younger person, ends every phrase and sentence as if it were a question. This practice could be derived from the "valley girl" excuse for talking during the nineties, but many people still do it today out of uncontrollable habit.
Teacher: Okay Tommy, it's your turn to present.

Tommy: oKAY(?) I was at the STORE(?) And there was the GUY(?) and like...

Teacher: okay. NEXT.
by stray December 15, 2004
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