Anything deemed tacky, over-the-top or just plain gaudy even by African-American standards. A combination of the words "Black" and "Tacky"
"Did you see Phaedra's new funeral service on 'The Real Housewives of Atlanta?' How Tabacky can you get?!
by Thechriseco November 10, 2011
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Awesome term for weed bud cannabis that they used in a simpsons flashback episode thing...
"Is it wacky tabacky?"
"The Wackyest"
by Hikyuu May 24, 2005
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Slang for marijuana. Derived from "wacky tobacco"
If you put the ice cream away in the dishwasher, better stop smokin' the wacky tabacki!
by billphoto May 31, 2009
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The act of applying chewing tobacco to your genitalia while participating in anal sex.
Yo that girls butt was so dry, so I took out of dip, slapped in on my dick and gave her a Crappy Tabacky .
by SkoalButt January 5, 2018
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