To get Thomas Crown Affaired (TCA'd for short) means to be fucked with, flexed on, or royally dicked over. Inspired from the events taking place in the Hollywood motion picture, Thomas Crown Affair, this term defines Thomas Crown's uncanny ability to screw people over without remorse. Oh you didn't get the job promotion even though you've been working your ass off for 10 years? That's called getting TCA'd. Too scared to use the employee bathroom at work because the charge nurse just took a humongous shit? Yup, you got TCA'd.
Sentence 1:
Samuelito: I was thinking of asking Jessica out to the big dance, do you think she'll say yes?
Eric: Dude I already asked her out and she's going with me.
Samuelito: Wow I just got TCA'd.

Sentence 2:
Every time I get 3 orders of Mozzarella sticks from Papa John's, I end up getting TCA'd by the delivery driver and only receive 1 order.
by The MoncMan June 23, 2017
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