A french kiss following oral sex, when the ejaculated semen is not swallowed but mixed in the mouths of both partners.

Not to be confused with a snowball, which involves spitting said semen.
He thought she was kinky because she liked to snowblow, but she mainly enjoyed the kiss.
by GW II August 14, 2006
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when a girl gives a man head and then keeps the cum in her mouth and makes out with the guy and they exchange the cum with each other.
I LOVE SNOWBLOWING! The tastes is so good after my gf makes out with me.
by Zsa Zsa July 8, 2004
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When a girl gives a guy head and the guy will cum in her mouth, then the girl holds it in her mouth, then spitting the cum held in her mouth all over the guys face.
Man: SHIT! you just pulled a snowblower all over my face!
by Jake Becker November 16, 2005
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A term for someone who does cocaine. see cokehead orsnowman.
That guy keeps sniffing, he must be a snowblower.
by Blind_assassin September 27, 2005
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The act of executing oral sex with ice cubes located in the cavity lying at the upper end of the alimentary canal.
The promiscuous female lifeform enacted a snowblow on I.

Note: snowblow is not osculating your mate after injecting a load of semen into his/her mouth, imbeciles. That would be called a snowball.
by Klaus January 15, 2004
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When a girl gives head then kisses you with the skeet still in her mouth
Your mother is a snowblower
by Ziggbert February 23, 2005
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When a girl does a line of coke off a guys penis then proceeds to blow him.
That Girl literally snowblowered me in the washroom.
by Pero_Pero February 21, 2017
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