Dave) Dude, I can't get any action tonight. I think I'm gonna' go home and Slap The Salami.

Randy) Me too!
by Alex Reynolds December 13, 2007
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yanking your chicken, choking the chicken. masturbating.. for a man.. yankin the wanker
He slaps the salami before a big date..
by carol April 4, 2004
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To slap your salami you have to first whip it out and then get a good nice moist, slippery, wet grip and slide your hand up and down to the rhythm of "We are number one" until mayonnaise comes out and spread it across your sandwich buns.
My slapped salami is hammed so hard that it is red and i need cream.
by Darklordkvr May 15, 2017
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To slap your salami is to whip out your salami and then get a nice,wet ,strong, slippery, moist grip on it and slide your hand up and down to the beat of "We are number one" until you see mayonaise come out the tip then spread it across your burger buns and ram your salami meat in the bun slot in the middle add condiments on top and put it deep and deeper down your nice, wet, moist throat until more mayonnaise comes out.
by BobbyRandyRoss May 16, 2017
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