the act of using facebook whilst taking a shit
Wall Post: i just invented the word shitbooking, the act of using facebook whilst taking a shit, which im doing right now!!!
by carnivore94 February 5, 2010
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The process of checking one's Facebook whilst on the toilet. A modern phenomenon, due to the ease of smart phones. Closely related to Pissbooking (by about ten centimetres).
After that dodgy curry, I knew I was in for a big one. So I decided to do some Shitbooking.

-"Dude, you were in there for ages, you alright?"
-"Yeah man, just did some Shitbooking"
by pubic_clabs June 13, 2013
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uninteresting updates on Facebook which offer no new insights and take up valuable space in the news feed

can also be used as a verb (shitbooking)
"Dude stop shitbooking so much. I don't care that you just finished brushing your teeth. Your Facebook looks like a twitter or something."
by ladragonmaster February 5, 2010
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The book you leave in the toilet to read when you are taking a dump.
Hey John, how many times have I told you not to leave your shitbook in the bathroom?
by RetSet May 10, 2017
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This is the act of having one or more active Facebook chats while also actively defecating.
"Dude I was Shitbook chatting with our Animation Theory group today and found out our project is due this week. Fuck!"

(This was taken from an actually Shitbook chat.)
by jermzig March 25, 2011
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