Q. What is the most foul-smelling animal on your planet?
A. A skunk.
Q. Does a skunk defecate?
A. Yes.
Q. And does the skunk's defecation in turn produce its own excrement?
A. Ew, no.
Q. Then there is no equivalent for shisno in your language.

Knock Knock.
Who's there?
You are.
You are, who?
You are a dirty dirty shisno. Ha Ha Ha.
by hobnob April 9, 2005
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Shisno is lowest of all the lowest organisms in the universe, #1 from the bottom. Nobody can understand Shisno, because it's always mad and raging and talking gibberish.
"Stop being such a Shisno!"
by Imnotsocoolasyouthink October 1, 2015
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An insulting alien word, which they use interchangeably between an insult and "human" (the destroyer of their race)
"Ah shut up you shisno!"
by obiwan137 April 15, 2005
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A slur for humanity itself
Frank: Hey what’s a shisno?
Sam: imagine a skunk that shits
Frank: okay...
Sam: and the skunk shit shitting
Frank so it is the shit of skunk shit?
Sam: essentially
by Allastor May 8, 2021
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from red versus blue contrary to popular belief a shisno is not only a "poop's poop" but can also be called at someone meaning anything.

MOM:here you go son your favourite cookies!"

KID: thanks mom, your such a shisno!"

KID 1:wow kid your such a shisno!"

KID 2:what the hell is a shisno?"

you may NEVER tell a person what a shisno is, they have to find themselves without help.
example of a shisno above
by pho3nix riing April 1, 2010
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A very foul-smelling animal that has shit that shits its own shit! Not found on Earth.
Man! That shisno is so fucking SMELLY!
by the pwn3r December 20, 2005
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the foulest most bad smelling thing ever, so by calling somebody one, they are worthless than a piece of crap that craps out of a skunk (which is bad)
u are a dirty dirty shisno
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