The act or action of shampooing one's pubes.
by Frank :D November 27, 2008
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To use shampoo on your pubic hair. Usually more effective than soap alone.
Randy felt quite rejuvenated because he had shampubed during his morning shower.
by MikeMacE January 16, 2009
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The act of wasing one's hair (on one's noggin), and applying the leftover shampoos to one's pubic hair. May sometimes be carried out for masturbational purpose rather than for hygienic one. Believed to be carried out often by a Jacob, and possibly by a Thomas.
Mum: What the hell were you doing in the bathroom for the last 30minutes!!??
Jacob: What the hell mum, I needed to shampube.
by HAHAboiii November 5, 2009
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Verb: to wash or bathe your pubic hair with shampoo.
Tim: Yo, man, I heard that she shampubes. I don't think I'd trust it.

Jon: Hell yea, so do I. I like keeping things fresh. I shampube everytime I shower.

*awkward silence*

Tim: Oh.
by adamadeus December 21, 2009
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When you wash your hair (with shampoo) and the shampoo has gone down your body and gathered up in your pubic hair. Sometimes you will notice when you have gotten out of the shower, meaning you have to get back in to rinse your pubes.
(from outside the bathroom)
"Why've you turned the shower back on?"

(from inside the bathroom)
"I got out and looked down- turned out I had shampubes."
by Ten Inch Stew February 19, 2014
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1.) During the act of applying shampoo to one's head, one finds that an excessive amount of product has been used and therefore applies the remaining shampoo to the pubic area
Person 1: I swear I run out of shampoo way too quickly. I think I use too much at a time.
Person 2: Then you really need to start shampubing. At least get your money's worth.
by Jackie Schmidt December 4, 2011
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Bro 1: dude i totes need to shampube before my big date
Bro 2: TMI bro, TMI
by BigDaveyP July 4, 2014
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