The Yiddish word for penis. In English it's only used to refer to people as dicks in the pejorative.
by RichieAnonymous March 25, 2012
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Rabbi Schmeigel sure schmucked the foreskin off that penis
by jesusincincy February 17, 2021
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Whatever the hell you want it to be. Really... anything...
You: You, my fine sir, are a schmuck.

Friend: What the hell is a schmuck?

You: I'm not sure yet.
by Dr. Meowings March 31, 2010
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The word schmuck is only one of the many words in the English language. It has many meanings. It's true meaning is "an idiot or dimwitted fool". Using its Jewish meaning is simply an insult to give to a stupid friend, family member, or co worker.

Its most common meaning is used to replace fuck, the "f" word. Replacing fuck is used in many ways. As direct insults, sexual content, a noun, a verb, an adjective, a command, outdoor play, to change the meaning of the word, or the only word in the sentence.
Jewish term: Jacob is a schmuck.
As an insult meaning fuck: Schmuck you!
As a noun: You are ugly as schmuck.
As a verb: John schmucked Shirley.
As an adjective: This is really schmucky.
As a command: Shut the schmuck up!
As outdoor play: Why don't you go outside and play hide and go schmuck yourself?
Changing meaning: Unschmuckingbeleivable or Inschmuckingcredible.
As the only word in the sentence: Schmuck the schmucking schmuckers. Schmuck you you mother schmucking schmucker.
by Valsha Taylor April 27, 2009
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Someone who gets out of the shower to piss.
"I'm taking a shower but I gotta piss. What the fuck am i gonna do?Hmm I better get out and use the toilet..... Wow, I'm a pretty big schmuck."
by OL' JERZEY BAZSTID September 11, 2015
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Squirrel with nut in mouth who gets run over by car.
Oh look! That there roadkill is a schmuck!
by Super Duper888 June 17, 2010
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Schmuck: The yiddish word literrally translated to mean jewels. or the man's jewels. so dont ever say your a schmuck unless you actually mean you're a man jewel
"Jesus Christ! I am such a Schmuck!"
"You have NO idea what you're saying!"
by Jacob Glickman February 2, 2008
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