Noun: Primarily pertains to a player of video games in the First Person Shooter (FPS) or Real-Time Strategy (RTS) genres. This word Describes a player that plays better than others on his team, but whose team is so exorbitantly bad they will ultimately lose.

Team games are required for such player, such as Halo franchises, Call of Duty, Warcraft, Starcraft, but can extend to any game in which this player is force to deal with another person with less sense of strategy and tactics.

A Saulus will also exhibit overt anger towards his retarded teammates, and is prone to "rage quits".
Enemy One: "Oh man I am pwning these n00bs".
Enemy Two: "Ohhhh crap that's Saulus coming at us now".
Enemy One: "Its OK, just run away and kill more of his team, we only need 3 more kills to win".
Team mate 257: "Saulus, save us!"
by Oxeoltle February 5, 2010
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