Erick: Hey did you see that new Saul around the corner?
Jerson: Yeah, I heard that Saul likes licking guys' asses.
Erick: That's far out man.
by Yolo12550 July 19, 2016
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A wonderful, splendid, beautiful girl who is kind to everyone. She works hard in everything she does and is always there when you need someone to talk to. Overall, a pretty fantastic person!
Boy 1: Did you see Saule earlier?

Boy 2: No, but you did?

Boy 1: Yeah!

Boy 2: I'm so jealous, Saule's awesome!
by mg5215 April 12, 2011
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A true goddess with a pretty face and lovely personality. Will always be kind to you no matter what. Very well mannered you could take her home to mother. But she hella crazy when you get to know her tho
-Hey I saw your new girl, who is she?
-She’s Saule, bro!

-Oh so she’s a lady in the streets but devil in the sheets!

- Hell yeah!!
by squiddgame October 11, 2021
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To be hung out to dry (personally or professionally) by a charming person who is unwilling to follow through on the most basic social obligations. Scumbag Steve on a grand level.
You make plans to go camping, your friend wants to carpool and sets a time and parking lot to meet in. You arrive. Repeated phone calls say he's just leaving. You wait 2 hours. You find out later he was drinking margaritas and watching the game. You got Sauled.

Your friend begs you to come in early and spend all day helping him on his experiment. You wake up early, drag yourself into lab, and he doesn't show up for 2 hours. He couldn't wake up that early. You got Sauled.

Your friend offers you a ride. Gets pulled over for speeding, swerving, and passing in the double solid yellow. Open beers in the car and expired license. You got Sauled.

Your friend begs for your help again and again at work. You spend weeks or months working on his project. When it's finished, he shits all over you and gives credit to his toadies and the whining bitch who couldn't work if her life depended on it. You got Sauled.
by lab_rat February 5, 2014
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by ADDELY_123 April 30, 2019
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omg do you know who saule is? she’s so funny. i don’t understand how she’s still single.
“you met saule in real life?!”


“that’s awesome! i wish i could meet her.”
by bananafish283 May 15, 2021
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