An actress who has the most annoying scream in the world, and a head that is shaped like a foot.
Brian: The FCC are censoring anything that might be viewed as unpleasant.
Peter: What the hell? They let Sarah Jessica Parker's face on TV and she looks like a foot.
by Cazz January 31, 2006
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A horse. Most commonly known as Seabiscuit. Gandalf's white horse, Hidalgo, the Black Stalion, and Mr. Ed the talking horse.
Rick: "Dude, did you see Lord of the Rings: the Two Towers?"
Teddy: "Yeah, Sarah Jessica Parker looked well groomed."
by July 12, 2011
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An unsightly, cheap prostitute that resembles a horse.
Man, I think I got horse AIDS from that $20 sarah jessica parker last weekend!
by Gary Jonston April 30, 2008
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A whore who badly represents women as shopaholic, materialistic bitches who obssess over getting some dick and are highly unstable.
by CrimsonBlues January 5, 2005
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