"Damn! Sorry hun! I just made a Surging Sanders! You on the pill?"
by Brummelum February 3, 2016
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According to the Daily Show's Trevor Noah, the Surging Sanders is "when you come out of nowhere": a sexually charged pun based on Bernie Sanders' sudden appearance.
by Slashme January 23, 2016
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When you're fucking a woman in the ass, but instead of finishing inside you cum unexpectedly out of your left index finger.
Ah, man, I gave that bitch Hilary a surging sanders.
by dubyadubyadubyathree January 31, 2016
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We had been at it for a while when I pulled a surging sanders. She was a bit suprised to say the least, but I think everyone was satisfied.
by utunga February 4, 2016
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The event where Bernie Sanders beats the crap out of Hillary Clinton in the polls.
by Melkor505 January 13, 2016
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