the coolest thing thing ever imaginable!

~"why should i listen to you?"
"because im soohoo and well..yeah..soohoo rocks...duh"
by briana January 5, 2005
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Barefoot man who never poops with others around. He sits on a throne of lies. He makes canoes.

see french
"Man, that Soohoo sure can make canoes well."
"You're such a Soohoo. All you do is eat cookes and not poop them out."
by Booyakasha December 5, 2003
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when a girl gets cake on her face and wants you to lick it off,
Girl: Hey, Thomas. Wanna lick my face?
Guy: You mean you want me to soohoo you? Ok.
by bandtard4life June 25, 2005
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Procrastinating, waiting until the last minute to do something. Goofing off when one should be doing something productive
I'm totally pulling a soohoo and not studying until 3 am for my midterm at 8 am.
by crunkers May 11, 2006
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