A drug-addled gasbag. He has millions of listeners and millions of dollars but somehow is not part of the "mainstream media".
I was listening to that drug-addled gasbag Rush Limbaugh yesterday and he pissed me off so much I chucked my radio out the window.
by Flavin June 19, 2006
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1. A boil on the ass of society that won't go away.

2. A sound almost as pleasant as fingernails on the chalkboard, that some people listen to for hours just to relax.
I tried to get my Rush Limbaugh removed, but I keep hearing it on other people's radios. It won't go away no matter what ointment I use.
by alembic42 April 3, 2009
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A conservative talkshow host that has show on the radio, where he discusses politics and current events.

My Opinion:

He is a racist tool, a drug addict, and a disgrace to society.
by Jack Townshend June 20, 2006
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A complete asshole if there ever was one albeit a clever one. It is his listeners, the ditto-heads who are a sorry-ass bunch of stupid fucking morons who would much rather suck up Rush's ass than try to use their puny brains.
by rush_eats_shit February 16, 2004
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Question: What's the difference between Rush Limbaugh and the Hindenberg?
Answer: One is a flaming Nazi gas bag and the other is a blimp.
by I get my kicks on Route 666 January 2, 2005
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Rush Limbaugh: You're just a Hollywood Liberal!

Jabba the Hut: You're just a fat, repulsive, reactionary, thick, racist, homopobic, sexist, elitist, corporatist pig. You are ugly too.
by SomeGuyCalledSomething July 28, 2010
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A very physically talented human being. He can shove oxycontin pills in his mouth while talking out of his A$$.
blah blah blah Democrats... Bill Clinton's Penis... blah blah blah. You're listening to the EIB Network.

Believes that drug users (non-violent too) should be locked behind bars and have the key thrown away.

I'm going to Rehab for a short vacation. -Rush paraphrased
by Booblover January 19, 2004
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