An awesome and friendly person who is always clued up and then proves it by becoming a Doctor? A person who understands the fundamentals of the history of The Cherry!
Hey Doc, is that a Razzler? Yes its a cherry!
by SAMISM.COM May 10, 2019
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An awesome and friendly person who is always clued up on the latest trends/happenings and gadgets!

(Not related to sexual word Razzle)
Imran is so cool, he is such a razzler!
by 19th Sun March 4, 2009
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This is a particular ball bowled in the game of cricket that is simply unplayable. When bowled this ball will travel at such high velocities the wicket sets on fire due to the heat created from friction. Typically the nip back off the seam is so severe an inside edge onto the stumps is guaranteed. Only a few players can produce such a delivery and thus the term is rarely used. However you will know if you have received a heinous razzler.
George bowled a heinous razzler today that was so quick it broke my stumps.
by Rookmandingo May 25, 2021
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That big ape is the Razzler of the prise

One who razzles and dazzles

The Razzler on that young one.

The Razzler will take it all home in the poker
The Razzler is favourite for the game tonight. He might razzle and dazzle us all into defeat.

You should have seen the razzler on your one i was with last night.
by Beltage January 21, 2021
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A person who despises peace and calm and seeks to create discord and disarray in their environment. Creates chaos to disrupt hardworking and efficient collaborators.
When bored, that razzler likes to disrupt our peace and quiet with arguments and controversy!
by OKD June 2, 2023
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