The thought of someone who is attracted to a girl/guy who they want to have sexual relations with.

Mainly used as a joke.
Guy looks at girl.

Guy *thinks*: Its raping time!
by Calv Lad November 18, 2008
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Rape Time, term often used by /b/tards in 4chan is an illustration of a clock showing all numbers of the clock as Rape Time. Another term that usually accompany's rape time is Can it be Raep tiem now plz? usually said by pedo bear and is misspelled. Rape Time is also used when you are winning or owning in something or about to do so. It can also be used just for shits and giggles.
1. Omg look at the time! Its Rape Time!
2. Moar Rape time now plz
by Cold_Soul February 8, 2008
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When the world is forced to move their clocks forward an hour, for a generally unknown reason. Mostly, to piss off people who value sleep and not being at work or school.
"ugh...I gotta turn my alarm clock forward..god damn daylight saving time..."

"I know! it's more like Daylight's raping time, for real, for real."

by Madaoxsama March 15, 2010
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What Every One Woman Does To A Man Over The Phone

But In General, Anyone Taking Time Away From You For Their Own Personal Benefit Out Of Ignorance

Made Popular By Comedian Patrice O'neal
"Man: I Gotta Go

Woman: Why You Gotta Go I Wanna Talk To You Some More

Man:Bitch You Are RAPING MY TIME!!!

(but really says)

Man: ok :{
by A Stalker You Know.....Yea.... September 2, 2008
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Time-Rape is the science fiction concept of time travel in which iron clad laws of physics dictate that any stop within the space-time continuum must be accompanied by a rape of a denizen of that time/locale by the time traveler.

This can be facilitated by the time traveler targeting times and places where women were considered little more than chattel and the penalties for what is now considered a violation were practically non-existent.

As it is a necessity of the structure of time travel, Time-Rape itself is generally not the specific goal of the traveler, though rogue individuals and groups do exist who hold it as their primary aim.

The consequences of not performing the Time-Rape are not fully understood, however, research has concluded that it is the psychological/spiritual equivalent of a kind of reverse Time-Rape where everyone alive in the visited time period not targeted by the errant traveler converges upon him to perform an eternity of rapes while the intended, and necessary, victim of the traveler presides in judgment.

Another hypothesized result suggests the bringing-forth of the Negrolocaust.
Holy shit, dude. Are you telling me you didn't perform the Time-Rape? You are so literally fucked - and if it causes the Negrolocaust, I'll never forgive you.
by ajaxax October 27, 2012
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Being forced into doing something that you have no interest or motivation to do.

Time rape only occurs when the activity being forced upon you is excessively long.
I can't go to the party, I'm being time raped at my mother in laws this afternoon.
by Elegant Mess July 15, 2017
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when you snap into reality and reazlise that you have been entirely zoned out for a period of time.

can be like daydreaming, but not knowing what you are daydreaming about.

like your mind freezes, like not blinking, staring at a certian object without blinking (zoned out)

Can feel like seconds, min, or hours of ur valuable time during ur day are taken/stolen/grabed/raped away.
friend 1 -hey!
friend 1 -helloooo!
friend 1 to so and so
friend 2 -yeah?
friend 1 -where did ya go just there?
friend 2 -i dunno = "Time-Raped"|
by //ye boi//BS October 19, 2011
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