adj., intensive form of stacked. Descriptive of human physique: Well built, muscled and athletic in the case of males, extremely attractive and shapely in the case of females.
She's got tits like funfair balloons, a waist that can hide behind a flagpole and an ass that could turn the washington monument to sand - she's stacked to the rafters man.
by idunnit October 28, 2004
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Somebody who always seems to know where everybody is at all times, even when huge amounts of effort have been taken to ditch them.
Originates from the way in which they travel mostly through the rafters, so as to stay out of everyone's awareness like a ninja
Person 1) Wow... I can't believe it, we managed to ditch Barfield. Now to spend some quality time with the amigos without jokes being undermined etc.
Barfield) *sprints along rafters like a Shinobi, darting from the shadows with unprecedented stealth* Hey guys, what are you all doing in town? You told me you all had the plague... You weren't tryin to ditch me, were you?
Person 2) Jesus, you're such a fuckin' rafters ninja
by Andy Hutchings January 4, 2008
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It means 'speak to you after' in a daft Irish dialect. Similar to 'Cockney Rhyming Slang', they say words that kinda rhyme, but make no sense/are impossible to work out.
...Funny though! For more great sayings consult your local Irish friend...
Michelle: k im really bowing out this time mateso...hugs and kisses. Pat rafter :D x

Ash: What the hell?! Speak English you silly Irish pikey!
by The Real Johnny Doe January 8, 2010
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Taken after the famous tennis player for reasons unknown, Pat Raftered comes form the term "Packed to the Rafters", meaning there is a lot of congestion in one specific area.
Can be used to describe any incidence where there is congestion e.g. "The Bus was Pat Raftered today"
by LanceSmith August 29, 2008
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A variant of the 69 position involving a horizontal beam. Person A hangs upside down while person B stands on an item of appropriate height to facilitate a junk in face orientation for both parties. Although originally developed in a log cabin, this position may be applied creatively to a variety of locations including sailboats and monkey bars. Other names include the beam ream, the leaky ceiling, the km special, the log snog, and the boom bang (nautical).
We were caught doing a rafter shafter and tried to explain we were fixing a leaky ceiling.
by karlslashwarren July 20, 2008
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Stop being ben rafter
by Broom33 October 20, 2019
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