1. An over-used adjective that people often use when they are trying to seem cool.
2. The cute term for a radish.
1. Dana: Sharon, your shoes are so cute!
Sharon: Yeah, they're pretty rad if I do say so myself.
2. Those rads taste so bitter.
by KellBell955 October 14, 2008
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A word that can be replaced with cool or awesome. Generally meaning that something is good.
Rad is the most annoying word ever to have been created.
by Abby Scholtendey August 8, 2005
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Radical, used to describe something good or wanted.Usually used by scene kid's.
your rad, im rad, lets hug.
by IWalkWithShadowsX August 2, 2008
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A term often used in counterstrike to describe "Reload and Die". This term was coined in October 2005 after an extremely popular counterstrike clan named |-=RAD=-> made a public announcement for suggestions on a good meaning for the clan name. Originally named atfer the founder, Richard A deChevigny.
Rad = Reload and Die

You just RAD!

by Ed Yerex November 26, 2006
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A word brought back to life by a couple of high school kids in 2003 during third hour, which is rapidly growing in popularity.
Joey: "Dude, we should seriousley start saying rad"
Alex: "I second that motion"
by nello killer March 26, 2005
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probably used by the Z-boys (and me) to expess extreme delight at some completly, outstanding, overpoweringly decent. Also probably started by stoned aussie surfers from the stoneage, along with narly, bogus, dude and surfing
by SanJ Street August 3, 2003
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A old word that was used to describe something excellent, great and like everyone else said on here, 'cool'.
by ??? August 5, 2003
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