1: Something that should be left in the 90s

2: Something to avoid in Fallout
1: Man: That's so rad!

His friend: Die

2: "Shit, I'm getting lots of Rads right now"
by Dodo9879 March 31, 2016
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A cooler way of saying somthing is awesome. Coming from snowboard and skate roots.
generikal.com is so ill its rad!
by generikal.com April 27, 2003
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Possibly the most over-used word in the hardcore/emo scene. Used as kudos towards someone/something.
"Hey, rad black jeans, maybe I should get a pair."
"The way you did your hair looks rad!"
by Heathxcore February 7, 2006
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I hope my rad doesn't come over I just want to watch my mom and dad do stuff
by DadLife April 30, 2018
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A term used to describe a punk who doesn't restrict him or herself to one genre or another, though most likely has a certain preference. Describes one who is completely devoted to music; holding it and its ideals above all else. It is a state of such complete awesomeness that when someone achieves it, it will no longer matter to them.
Rad is for the kids whom Music=Life. See Hardcore Bandana
by Cubone of the Pokemon Mafia February 13, 2006
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rad is the rassest word ever
rad is so rad, its radder then plaid , because everybody knows plaid is so rad
by anarchyincanada June 18, 2003
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