1.The most epic technique of posting in a forum.
2.Conversing in a online forum, heavily quoting prior grade A posts, and ignoring any theme or continuity of the thread.
charlietown: oh lol
charlietown:what is quosting?
suckaemcees:the most epic posting technique ever
The-Mo:(Quote)Originally posted by suckaemcees: the most epic posting technique ever
bhwb:(Quote)Originally posted by The-Mo:(Quote)Originally posted by suckaemcees: the most epic posting technique ever
charlietown:oh lol
bhwb:(Quote)Originally posted by
by suckaemcees January 19, 2007
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to post a quote onto a social network i.e. facebook.
Dude, he just quosted you and facebook and forgot to tag you!!
by jmoaey April 24, 2011
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Using the mouth of a wine bottle to make your captive bead ring open wider.
I kept tearing my lip off every time I tried to put the bead back in, but after quosting it, it fits fine!
by Jesse123 February 12, 2007
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1.The most epic technique of posting in a forum.
2.Conversing in a online forum, heavily quoting prior grade A posts, and ignoring any theme or continuity of the thread.
charlietown:what is quosting?
suckaemcees:the most epic posting technique ever
The-Mo:(Quote)Originally posted by suckaemcees: the most epic posting technique ever
bhwb:(Quote)Originally posted by The-Mo:(Quote)Originally posted by suckaemcees: the most epic posting technique ever
charlietown:oh lol
bhwb:(Quote)Originally posted by charlietown: oh lol
by suckaemcees January 18, 2007
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Acronym for Question or Statement? An error question asked that resembles a statement. Multi-tonal inflected sound upon final words in a statement. The two-toned word at the end of one's sentence is supposed to denote a question mark. Used traditionally when one assumes something, and wants to say it's true but asks for validity and a second opinion by quizzing the affinity to various statement questions. Similar to french saying "No?" after a sentence to ask if you agree or not. By saying or adding no or not to a sentence the question then loads the answer output with an agree or not clause to validate truth of statement. Be careful when using because if wrong you put your self in quizzical jeopardy over the statement in question.
How to question each other adequateis often blundered by attempted communicators who never learns through enough experience how to engage another cordially. You will find statements in a sentence that is inflected sounding at the end of what they say, indicative of a question mark sounding statement or quost.
by Snow Pea - Digit El Poal S.Sa September 26, 2016
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