A woman so beautiful that even the moon fades away when it sees her. Her future so bright, even the stars start doubting themselves. She loves the people around her, she is loved by each and everyone. She's one gem of a person that exists on this planet.
If there's any living angel in this planet that's Qirat.
by Aams1234 November 26, 2021
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Qirat is the name of an enchanting leng girl who has an amazing sense of humour and is an absolute thrill to be around. She never fails to dissapoint her friends by going back to lads who r toxic x
“qirat is beautiful” “qirat is so cool” “qirat id funny” ahah
by urdadisfit November 23, 2021
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Little short brown turd who thinks she’s the shit
Qirat posted about me on her Instagram note.”

*in Drakes voice* “Embarrassing!”
by seokiesjk June 7, 2023
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Qirat is a really pure soul of a woman, who just wants to achieve all the success in life. Someone who loves the people around her and she is in love with her bunny forever.
I wish i was as beautiful as Qirat.
by Aams1234 November 23, 2021
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