When two people (usually mormons) have sex. This is done when a male inserts his penis into the female's vagina. No humping happens and he just sits there while inserted. He does not cum therefore he technically didn't have sex so they don't have to talk to the bishop.
Tom: Yo did you and carly do it last night?
Brad: No man we just did the provo float!
Tom: Nice! Now you don't have to talk to the bishop!
by BadA24 February 5, 2011
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Springing forth from any hiding place, naked and turgid, and suprising your spouse. The result is 22 seconds worth of sex and at least child number eight. Provo is known for large families.
Suzy, Ashley, Ron and Amanda were the results of the Provo Piledriver. The other six children were accidents.
by ECW May 3, 2008
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See Provo Push and Provo Soak. This is the 3rd part of the Trifecta. Technically going up the female's trash chute is not intercourse!
Jack and Lisa took the Provo Plunge on Saturday night. He took her to Chili's first though.
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When a couple (usually Mormon, from Provo) have sex with clothes on "dry hump" like a dog with no inhabitions
Yeah, Bishop, last night we got a little carried away, you know, the "provo push"?
by Jerr Bear January 29, 2008
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When a woman kidnaps a mormon man ties him up and forces sex on him.
An example of the "Provo Snowshovel"
includes the case of Joyce McKinney forcing sex on a kidnapped mormon man with the intention of fucking the mormon out of him.
by romuloxiii February 10, 2012
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A sectarian bigot from the bogside who spouts vile comments about poor huns when full of buckfast. In honour of legenday Rangers toolbag Nacho Novo. Fond of Alaskan pipelines
"oh my god did you hear the stuff he was coming out with last night"

"for real, that man turned Nacho Provo after that buckfast"
by International Playboy September 29, 2009
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A male 18-30 years of age living in or around the city of Provo. Typically a return missionary who spends his post mission life as a D-bag. He will find any way to get around the Mormon church's guidlines on sex while still not actually having sex (Look up Provo push or Provo soak). Will either avoid marriage until his parents threaten stop paying for school or will immediatley marry some dumb 18 year old after he gets off his mission. He will usaully find a job selling security systems making nothing of his life while wasting his parents money at BYU or UVU. If he goes to UVU he will say something like "I chose to go here because of BYU's honor code, not because of open enrollment.". Typically will show up to dance parties shirtless while wearing Ed Hardy sunglasses inside. These men almost always congregate around the arlington, belmont, and alpine apartment complexes looking for sluts. When they park their BMW's that their parents gave them as a coming home present from their mission they generally take up 3 parking spots. Typical conversations with his All Star Bro's will generally include one of three topics: Their workouts, muscles, and how many chicks they have hooked up with. These conversations tend to be as loud as possible and in front of as many girls as possible. A variation of the All Star is the hipster who always wears mocasins and buys literally all of their clothes at the DI (the Mormon version of value village) even though they are not poor.
Gold's Gym member #1: Hey who's that guy taking pictures of himself on his phone while doing curls next to girls in the the zoomba class and wearing a deep v Ed Hardy cut off and Monster hat?

Gold's Gym member #2: Oh dont mind him. Thats just the local Provo All Star. He's looking for an ego feed.
by The real Wolf Pack July 19, 2011
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