To use symbols to denote socially unacceptable words in typed text. Ambersands, hashes, asterisks, tildes, question marks, dollar signs, slashes, carets, percent symbols, and exclamation points are all used in place of profane words to make profanitype. In the phrase, "Are you #$&@#*$#&ing kidding me," "#$&@#*$#&" is profanitype.

The act of using symbols in place of profanity is profanityping. The resulting text is profanitype (noun).
This sentences contains no profanity, but lots of profanitype: "What a *(#$&(#*# (*#$(*#&&$^@% $##$#$!!! I want to kick his #*$&#*$ing sorry #*$&#$&*!!!"

My stupid phone autocorrects all the bad words to profanitype.

Sometimes when I profanitype, it thinks the ampersand is an email address. I hate that.
by AnneB "Stats" June 18, 2013
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