Another way of saying "K" in a sassy way on AIM or Facebook.

Potassium = K on periodic table
Moi: Yo i cant go to dinner with you anymore i have other plans.
Alexis: Potassium Asshole.
by hehehehehwhoami January 9, 2011
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Means Okay. from OK-->K-->K being the chemical symbol for Potassium
bob: Going to work now
bill: Potassium
by masteroffire May 6, 2013
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When you look at the periodic table of elements you see potassium with the symbol K so when someone replies with potassium it means k.
Mary: hey
Molly: hey
Mary: I have to go. Sorry.

Molly: potassium
by The wisdom teeth June 3, 2015
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A form of reply to someone when you are not interested.

Potassium = K
Someone: Hey, did you know that *blah blah blah*
You: Potassium.
by thebloodybaron February 16, 2011
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A term applied to a person who goes on Youtube or Facebook (or any other spammable thing) to spam. May have a tendency to even skip school to spam, and does not have anything to do but go on the computer.

Started in a school in Burnaby, not far from Vancouver.

Based on a real person, but not a real name.

Can be used in other like words such as:
- Potassiumesque
- Potassiumlike
- Potassiumish
"God, stop being so much like Potassium!"
"That comment was something Potassium would say"
"That comment was so Potassiumesque"
by ilovePCs March 8, 2009
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High levels of this element in the body are supremely important to become an absolute unit. Also, it is incredibly necessary for taking on future TNS Jabeeries and beating them in 2K.
Bestia bro los potassium levels de ese man son altísimos, con razón le pateó el culo a TNS Jabeery.
Garrett the Potassium Conossieur says you need to have high potassium levels in order to get a hoe.
by Marvin The Hydration Center March 25, 2019
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