A report of all carnage that took place during a game(predominantly Halo2 online). Includes kills, deaths, killing sprees...etc. This is where the you will hear the words noob and pwned approximately 17 times per sentence. You will hear from a noob exactly why they did so bad. Also this is where you will hear gamers yelling at their fellow teammates for their poor play, because now they can see exactly how bad they are. It is also a place where great players get off to their dominance of a video game( I would be lying if I said I am not one of them)
Noob: Dude I shot a guy 40 times in the face with the shotgun and he didn't die, then he killed me with a single pistol.
Me: Or you just suck, and got pwnt.

Nick: I didnt do too bad that game.
Me: After viewing the Post Game Carnage Report, I noticed I had 30 kills and 4 deaths. Yet we lost, whilst you merely had 4...and 21 deaths.
Nick: I'm getting better.
Me: Noob.
by www.theradiotower.org June 28, 2007
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When your really depressed after a game because you played horribly or you lost.
He had Post Game Depression.
by CornBall0020 February 27, 2019
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The emptiness you feel inside yourself when you complete the main storyline/campaign of a magnificent game (such as The Last of Us, any of the Uncharted installments and The Walking Dead game by Telltale) and have a brief period of depression where you seem to have no reason to move on with your life.
James: Hey Joe, how was that new game by Naughty Dog?
Joe: Oh, The Last of Us? It was amazing. When the credits started rolling, I went through post video game depression for a short while.
James: I bet. Had the same feeling with Mass Effect 3.
by Lateralus2013 June 25, 2013
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The feeling you get after reading all three books of the series; The Hunger Games. You're sad that it's over and you're sad how it ended even though you know there wasn't really any other way to end it. You wish that you didn't read all three books in less than a week because now you have nothing left to do in life except think about it, watch the movie, wait for the next movie, and then fantasize about the amazing universe than Suzanne Collins created. A common therapy for this depression is to youtube different interviews of the cast from the movie; realizing that it's not real no matter how much you may or may not want it to be; and then you eventually become obsessed with Jennifer Lawrence, Josh Hutcherson, and maybe even Liam Hemsworth, depending on your gender.
I just finished reading all three books to The Hunger Games, and I can't stop thinking about it, I may have some Post Hunger Games Depression.
by The Bloomasaur July 14, 2012
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a.k.a. P.D.G.D.

a medical condition were all someone thinks and talks about is an individual game after they have beaten said game. Said victim also begins to experience analogies between real-life and said game resulting in "playing" out loud, in front of everybody. This disease casues the player to want to get back to playing the game, and temporarily makes him/her feel like they are still playing. This can also spread to the subject's dreams. Similiar to Post-Dramatic Stress Disorder.
Guy #1: Man I'm such a Giovanni!
Guy #2: A what?
Guy #1: A boss, man you know Giovanni? From Pokemon?
Guy #2: suree I guess, I just don't talk about it that much.

Guy #2: What are you doing now? Why are you punching those puppies in the face!?
Guy #1: I'm EV training duhhh.

Doctor: I'm sorry but you have an extreme case of Pokemon-related, Post-Dramatic Gaming Disorder.
by Gorillafaceoff May 25, 2011
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The silence that follows the obnoxious racket of your pre gaming hallmates once they've left to go out.
Jen: It's a Friday night...and our halls are quiet?
Becca: Well, it is already 10PM...everyone must have left to go out already.
Jen: This must be the post pre-gaming silence...
by Beybehs Protector September 6, 2010
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After an insane victory, that night shotgun a beer, blast your favorite tunes, shotgun another, and sleep naked for extra measures
Bro that game was crazy! I'm definitely post gaming tonight!
by flackerdoo October 17, 2015
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