when a girl gives out sex out of pity or when she feels sorry
Girl 1: Aw man, John just got dumped by his girlfriend.
Girl 2: You should give him some pity pussy
Girl 1: That nerd will never get some in his life
Girl 2: Pity Pussy time!
by dave!7 February 6, 2009
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Sitting on a pity potty is a more solitary exercise than going to a pity party, but both describe feeling sorry for one-self.
While sitting on the pity pot, the victim bemoans his or her own fate, usually only making comparisons with those more fortunate--those richer, smarter, funnier, sexier, and better looking. And in far less trouble!
"Oh, woe be me!" is a common thought, as is "Oh shit, oh damn!"
Any recovering addict spends a lot of time first sitting on the pity pot and will strongly resemble a baby or toddler at early toilet-training. When addicts finally start to work their twelve step program, they gradually learn how to accept responsibility for their own body functions and actions, do the right thing, and become productive members of society. At this point, the initial work is done, and the addict is able to get off the pot. Who flushes it, is irrelevant. At least the addict has stopped all that whining.
Pity pottier: "I'm such a lump of shit. Nobody likes me. Nobody loves me."

Other: "I love you. I like you."

Pity pottier: "You don't count. You must obviously be a loser too."

Other (groans): "Oh, come on! Will ya get off that pity potty already?"
by astridstone April 19, 2008
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When you're so close to passing a class, like one or two points away, and your teacher passes you anyway out of the goodness of his or her heart.
Mr. Smith saw that I was only one point shy of passing his class, so he pity passed me. God is real.
by Bridgey13 November 13, 2014
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To have sex with someone for reasons stemming from pity rather than desire. The phrase allows a range of implications from concern about the unfulfilment of the fuckee or feelings of superiority over them.
Kate came round last night and looked so dejected, I had to pity-fuck her.
by neur September 27, 2007
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The clip you reluctantly put in the Instagram video, of the filmer, because you feel bad for roping him into filming you.
Me: Why didn't you have room to put my clip in the insta vid dude?

Ryan: I had to put Victor's pity crook in dude! My bad :(
by BallSmelly January 22, 2015
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A small chuckle, or even a laugh, given to the other party in recognition of their attempt to be humorous. This laugh indicates that the joke was in no way entertaining, but that the other person appreciates their effort. Usually very half-hearted feeling.
"That girl has really big lips! She must have some African-american in her..."
<insert pity giggle>
by leftysrule22 July 15, 2009
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Pity for oneself; especially exaggerated or self-indulgent pity where you believe that you are the victim who has done no wrong and is deserving of condolence from everyone.
"Self-pity is easily the most destructive of the non-pharmaceutical narcotics; it is addictive, gives momentary pleasure and separates the victim from reality"

For a prime example of self-pity, see Nice Guy.
by OneBadAsp November 4, 2006
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