A word mean puberty or pervert. Depends how you use it
A: I’m having semen as I’m getting peubs
by lamecartoon44 October 24, 2019
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The things you're ex pulls out of their mouth after a long akward period of eye contact. Croch forest and or lap beards.
Thanks for the peub's asshole, now
I can build an ark with your croch Forest.
by Purple snizz licker February 14, 2019
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A Leprechaun's private area and a word on which you can call you friends after a "ball gazer".
Chase: (does Ball Gazer) : look at my book(placed next to genitals)

Carly: (Looks through circle){Blushes}

Chase: Ha ha you looked at my balls, Leprechaun Peubs
by SuperHL May 13, 2010
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