commercialized phrase used by a person or business that is trying to get over on as many people as possible.
He sez he's "for the people" so he can get as many of them as possible into his stable.
by snappy's February 2, 2008
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The most over-rated thing that has ever existed.
People like to think they're sooooo advanced and beyond animals because they have art, music, and technology when all the while not one of these things (or anything else they've created for that matter) will mean a thing after people die just like every other organism on the planet. The only thing that truly seperates people from any other animal is that they are aware of their own mortality, and if you ask me that's not really something to be proud of.
by TheVoiceOfReason June 26, 2005
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1) Me
2) You
by MayGah February 9, 2004
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There are people who voted for George Bush.
by Tripzy June 18, 2003
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People are universal bacteria.

Universal status: inferior

Number of planets in the universe that are known to be infected with people so far: 1

Notes: Fortunately, this bacteria will probably die out before it manages to contaminate further regions of the universe.
by Life Form January 27, 2007
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A term used to describe someone when you dont want to use there name or the sound of their name makes you want to vomit.
- do you want to go to the movies tommrow?

- no, people will be there.
by offical BA November 5, 2009
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