Home of the Fighting Blues! THE high school in Buena Vista, VA.
Parry McCluer High School is in Buena Vista, VA
by Yosmite Sam July 16, 2011
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Mostly an exotic brown eyed girl who is beautifull. she is a fun loving person who gets along with everybody, but if you get on her bad side she will beat your ass and cut you. Her sign is a Cancer meaning she is loyal, loving, caring, but don't get it twisted. Her sex drive is medium, but stays moist and delivers great oral sex. Most determined to win in life.

person: Did you meet the new girl kamyah?

me: yeah she seams like a kamyah.

Person: yeah, I need me a kamyah.

#kamyah #hard ass #gorgeous #black #crazy
"Everyone loves the new girl kamyah parris."
by Prettyparris December 20, 2016
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Acronym for the words "jealous" & "paranoid". Root source comes from a south park episode.
Nicknames for anyone acting overly jealous or paranoid.
"Your girlfriend needs to stop the insane psycho talk soon. She is being so Jellie Parry."
by Rarely Obscure April 27, 2014
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"Mate, you're being a proper Mitch Parry today, give your balls a tug and walk it off"
by Deaf Chris November 22, 2021
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A teacher at revere high school in hell(Ohio) who is balding. His hair he claims to have been burned off in a lab experiment but he is really just old.
-does not know about the pee in a flask in a lab drawer
-an absolute simp for the principal
-refers to him self as a “pear bear” in third person when he is happy
-has his feet up on the desk

-tries to be cool
-screams in The middle of lectures

-acts like everyone is going to die if you put a lab coat on the wrong hanger
Look it’s Mr. Parry! He made me stay after school to fix my lab report yesterday!”
by MinihatArtist October 28, 2021
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Reuben parry’s are people that like women that look like men and are usually very fat and have shit long hair
Did you hear about that guy he went out with a person called Taylor and she looks like a man, he’s such a Reuben parry
by Mr hot male jimmy James September 15, 2019
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