less of a thing but more an idea (like giygas)

Gabe:who's POPTART$
Alex:something to wonder about


by POPTART$ March 11, 2023
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Some one of simple nature that does not have the basic instincts to navigate themselves through life.
Bromandudeguy1: Why is Simple Jack eating toothpaste?
Bromandudeguy2: Because Simple Jack is a real poptart.
by ChuckWagon19 November 5, 2010
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the single item of food that got me through college
ive only got 4 poptarts left for the next 2 weeks im gonna die
by heightofhysteria October 17, 2003
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hard on the surface, but soft in the middle. a person who wants others to perceive them as hardcore, but in reality, this person is really a little bitch.
by wreckage February 10, 2003
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fruity rectangle figures that usually get your day started and makes you want to have more in the middle of the day.
Me 3 hours ago (damn your poptarts!)
by Dokido October 7, 2008
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The best fucking shit you will ever taste in your life.
Dude, why did you eat my fucking poptart?
by NicoleKaylynn May 14, 2008
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