1.) Oh my Hell
2.) Oh my Heck for those more sensitive..
3.) Oh my Heaven for those super religious
4.) Used to show the same expression of emotion as OMG..
5.) For those tired of OMG
Girl 1: "I'm pregnant.!!"
Girl 2: "OMH.. how did that happen???"
Girl 1: ".....Sex you idiot. -.-"

omg gmo
by TheOtherExGirl April 28, 2011
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acronym for "oh my hell". Used on the interent.
I just watched an MTV Osbournes Marathon - 10 episodes in a row OMH!
by Ricky January 30, 2004
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Omh stands for "Oh my Harambe" used when Omg or Omfg isn't good enough to describe how disgusted, humiliated, or down right upset you are at the current situation. It's usually used in a situation where everything is generally really fucked up like Harambe's death was.
Person watching the news about Harambe: "Omh"
by EmperorStark September 17, 2016
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"Over My Head": the acronym used online to infer an inside joke was not clearly received by a person
Person 1: "ha ha, yea bro, she was a total FLAMINGO at that party"
Person 2: "Sorry dude, that's OMH, care to explain?"
by Crimson Coroner November 7, 2011
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Over My Head
That Seinfeld reference you made was OMH. I had to google it...NOW I get it.
by SplendorInTheCrass March 26, 2011
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"I just bought six hundred and sixty six watermelons"
"Omh, that's a lot"
"Ikr, all the hotdogs are shook"
"Shooketh to core"
"Anways, since I got so many do you want to yeet one of a balcony later"
"Yassssss bitch ofc I do"
"Okie ttyl"
by Acorn_Woman August 3, 2018
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