abbreviation of Old Ass SHIT! O-ld A-ss S-hit
When someone has a bunch of junk lying around collecting dust and broken they have OAS.
Lyle: Man, The Humperdinks have so much OAS in their house.
Eric: I know, they need a dumpster for all that old ass shit!
by Lo-rettie W September 14, 2009
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Obligatory Adderall Shit. This phenomenon occurs approximately between 30 minutes and 2 hours after the consumption of Adderall. OAS' usually comes out of nowhere and require immediate location of a restroom.
OMG... dude I feel an OAS coming on!

I'm ready for the day now, just had my OAS!
by November 10, 2009
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OAS, also known as Obsessed with Apple Syndrome, is a common disease that hits most teenage boys whenever Apple releases a new product. This obsession often hinders their quality of life, to the point where they fantasize about Steve Jobs.
John: Have you seen George lately?

Kirk: Last time I checked, he was still in his basement looking at pictures of the iPhone 4.

John: Damn, it looks like OAS hit him.
by iHaveOAS June 24, 2010
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short for “objection: argumentative” \ generally used to avoid or nullify a negative question or remark
Whenever his ex asks him a question, he infuriates her by answering with OA.
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The Filipino abbreviation for Over Acting. This term is usually used to describe a person who is basically a drama queen. Also implies immaturity.
She threw a fit in the store because they didn't have her size. She is so OA.
by lilmille August 17, 2005
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something you say when you're too lazy to say "Ok".
Brandon: You are a stupid asian.
Ping: oa.
by mtlf October 17, 2019
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Oa is a dumb ass that has small pp
by Melanie Dunn April 3, 2020
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